Ashingtom Male Voice Choir
Ashington & District
Male Voice Choir
A community choir with a rich tradition

Benefits of Singing

Benefits of Singing

The Benefits for Your Health and Wellbeing!

Singing in a choir can have many benefits for you:

1.    It can release or improve your singing skills,

2.    It can build your self-confidence and release emotions,

3.    It can generally improve your wellbeing and research indicates benefits for mental health,

4.    It can be a great way to meet new friends and enjoy a new social experience,

5.    It can also be great fun and develop your teamwork skills.

Singing Is Good for You!

If you’ve noticed that singers always seem to be happy, then maybe there are good reasons for it. Yes, we all have our favourite songs that make us feel good. But current scientific research says there’s more to it than that; in fact, singing really does do you good………

Sing for your heart!

Professor Graham Welch of the University of London, has studied the links between singing and health for 30 years and he says the benefits of singing are both physical and psychological.

"Singing has physical benefits because it is an aerobic activity that increases oxygenation in the blood stream and exercises major muscle groups in the upper body, even when sitting.”

That means better breathing and more oxygen. But aerobic exercise? YES! Now there’s something to sing about! And we forget that most important of muscles, the heart, that pumps blood and oxygen round our bodies day in, day out. Singing gives your heart a real boost.

The psychological benefits of singing are well known. Singing reduces stress levels and leads to a feeling of emotional well-being. In other words, it makes you feel good! And it’s even better if you sing together:

"Psychological benefits are also evident when people sing together, because of the increased sense of community, belonging and shared endeavour.”

Now if you’re in a choir ………………. Well, it’s all good news! Feels good, does you good! Here in the North-East we are blessed with a good array of amateur choirs: ladies’ choirs, mixed choirs, and male voice choirs. And that’s not forgetting the wonderful efforts of junior choirs and their teachers / conductors in our schools.
Quote from a member of Ashington & District Male Voice Choir, says:
"You know, sometimes you turn up for a rehearsal feeling a bit down or fed up, but then you get stuck into the music, sing your heart out – and you come out smiling!”

So why not do your heart a favour and sing? Choirs like Ashington & District Male Voice are always keen to welcome new members, and you don’t have to have a voice like Pavarotti – and you don’t need to be able to read music either.


If you want to become part of this experience, then please come along and join us.
You can learn more by following this link to Join the Choir.

The choir provides friendship and a social atmosphere.

"We are always delighted to welcome new voices with a shared love of singing”.

Forthcoming Events

Thursday 8 Aug 24 7:00 pm
ADMVC Open Night and Learning to Sing
Venue: Stakeford & Bomarsund Sports & Welfare Centre, West Gordon Terrace, Stakeford, Northumberland, NE62 5UD
More details...

Sunday 20 Oct 24 3:00 pm
Remembering Local Heroes
Charity Dedication Concert to Alan Thompson, R.I.P., and the crews past and present of the Newbiggin-by-the-Sea RNLI Lifeboat. Guest artist is Susan Robertson.
Venue: St. Bartholomew's Church, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland, NE64 6DB
More details...

Thursday 28 Nov 24 3:30 pm
Ashington Christmas Lights Switch On
Venue: YMCA, Ashington

Saturday 14 Dec 24 3:00 pm
Christmas Concert
Venue: St. Cuthbert's Bedlington, Church Lane, Bedlington, NE22 5EL

Saturday 21 Dec 24 3:00 pm
Christmas Concert
Venue: St. Mary's Church, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61

Saturday 17 May 25
Annual Concert
Venue: Time and Venue to be confirmed

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Ashington & District Male Voice Choir - A friendly male voice choir based in the North East of England

We thank Ashington Town Council for their support.